November 14, 2019
I hope you have a nice day today too.
Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel : Luke 17:20-25
20 Being asked by the Pharisees when God's Kingdom would come, he answered them, "God's Kingdom doesn't come with observation;
21 neither will they say, 'Look, here!' or, 'Look, there!' for behold, God's Kingdom is within you."
22 He said to the disciples, "The days will come, when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it.
23 They will tell you, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Don't go away, nor follow after them,
24 for as the lightning, when it flashes out of the one part under the sky, shines to the other part under the sky; so will the Son of Man be in his day.
25 But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:22b--8:1
22b For there is in her a spirit quick of understanding, holy,
‡‡‡ Alone in kind, manifold,
Subtil, freely moving,
Clear in utterance, unpolluted,
Distinct, unharmed,
Loving what is good, keen, unhindered,
23 Beneficent, loving towards man,
Stedfast, sure, free from care,
All-powerful, all-surveying,
And penetrating through all spirits
That are quick of understanding, pure, most subtil:
24 For wisdom is more mobile than any motion;
Yes, she pervadeth and penetrateth all things by reason of her pureness.
25 For she is a §§§ breath of the power of God,
And a clear effluence of the glory of the Almighty;
Therefore can nothing defiled find entrance into her.
26 For she is an effulgence from everlasting light,
And an unspotted mirror of the working of God,
And an image of his goodness.
27 And she, being one, has power to do all things;
And remaining in herself, reneweth all things:
And from generation to generation passing into holy souls
She makes men friends of God and prophets.
28 For nothing does God love save him that dwells with wisdom.
29 For she is fairer than the sun,
And above * all the constellations of the stars:
Being compared with light, she is found to be before it;
30 For † to the light of day succeedeth night,
But against wisdom evil does not prevail;
‡‡‡7:22: Gr. Sole-born.
§§§7:25: Gr. vapour.
*7:29: Gr. every arrangement of stars.
†7:30: Gr. to this.
* The World English Bible
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