
Today's Bible story

July 9, 2012

Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

We hope that today is a good day.

Today's Bible story based on the calendar of the Catholic Church.

Most of these contents are things of The World English Bible.

We hope that everyone in the peace of the Lord.


Saints: 120 Martyrs of China


+ First Reading: Hosea 2:14、15b-16、19-20

14 "Therefore behold, I will allure her,
and bring her into the wilderness,
and speak tenderly to her.

15b and she will respond there,
as in the days of her youth,
and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

16 It will be in that day," says Yahweh,
"that you will call me 'my husband,'
and no longer call me 'my master.'

19 I will betroth you to me forever.
Yes, I will betroth you to me in righteousness, in justice, in loving kindness, and in compassion.

20 I will even betroth you to me in faithfulness;
and you shall know Yahweh.


+ Psalm: Psalms 145:2-9

2 Every day I will praise you.
I will extol your name forever and ever.

3 Great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised!
His greatness is unsearchable.

4 One generation will commend your works to another,
and will declare your mighty acts.

5 Of the glorious majesty of your honor,
of your wondrous works, I will meditate.

6 Men will speak of the might of your awesome acts.
I will declare your greatness.

7 They will utter the memory of your great goodness,
and will sing of your righteousness.

8 Yahweh is gracious, merciful,
slow to anger, and of great loving kindness.

9 Yahweh is good to all.
His tender mercies are over all his works.


+ Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26

18 While he told these things to them, behold, a ruler came and worshiped him, saying, "My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live."

19 Jesus got up and followed him, as did his disciples.

20 Behold, a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the fringe‡or, tassel of his garment;

21 for she said within herself, "If I just touch his garment, I will be made well."

22 But Jesus, turning around and seeing her, said, "Daughter, cheer up! Your faith has made you well." And the woman was made well from that hour.

23 When Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the flute players, and the crowd in noisy disorder,

24 he said to them, "Make room, because the girl isn't dead, but sleeping."
They were ridiculing him.

25 But when the crowd was put out, he entered in, took her by the hand, and the girl arose.

26 The report of this went out into all that land.

‡9:20: or, tassel

§9:36: TR reads "weary" instead of "harassed"


+ Today's Reading: Proverbs 3:1-20

1 My son, don't forget my teaching;
but let your heart keep my commandments:

2 for length of days, and years of life,
and peace, will they add to you.

3 Don't let kindness and truth forsake you.
Bind them around your neck.
Write them on the tablet of your heart.

4 So you will find favor,
and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

5 Trust in Yahweh with all your heart,
and don't lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

7 Don't be wise in your own eyes.
Fear Yahweh, and depart from evil.

8 It will be health to your body,
and nourishment to your bones.

9 Honor Yahweh with your substance,
with the first fruits of all your increase:

10 so your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will overflow with new wine.

11 My son, don't despise Yahweh's discipline,
neither be weary of his reproof:

12 for whom Yahweh loves, he reproves;
even as a father reproves the son in whom he delights.

13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
the man who gets understanding.

14 For her good profit is better than getting silver,
and her return is better than fine gold.

15 She is more precious than rubies.
None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her.

16 Length of days is in her right hand.
In her left hand are riches and honor.

17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness.
All her paths are peace.

18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her.
Happy is everyone who retains her.

19 By wisdom Yahweh founded the earth.
By understanding, he established the heavens.

20 By his knowledge, the depths were broken up,
and the skies drop down the dew.
